Recently diagnosed
If you, or someone close to you, has been diagnosed with a form of myositis, we’ve got information to help.
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What is myositis?
Myositis is a rare autoimmune disease that causes muscle weakness. Find out more about the different types.
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Latest research
Myositis UK funds and promotes research to help improve diagnosis, treatment, management and understanding of myositis.
Explore our researchWays to support
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From one off donations to payroll giving, find out how you can give to Myositis UK and support those affected by myositis.
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Small grant scheme
The next funding call deadline for our small grant scheme is Friday 28 March 2025.
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Read about all the latest Myositis UK news in our most recent newsletter.
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What we do
Myositis UK is a small national charity providing information to those affected by myositis and funding research to improve diagnosis and treatment.
More about usMembership info
Myositis UK is a membership organisation. Membership is free but only available to UK residents. If you are overseas or would prefer to just receive our email mailings, you are welcome to join our email mailing list.
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